Note from Day Undefined:
While Ellie does recommend these handles for carrying bags, they cost around $20, which can be a barrier. It's good to know that there are less expensive - or even free - models available (albeit, each model has its own pros and cons). Check out this blog about 3D printed bag carrier handles that are made available at no cost by the Illinois Assistive Technology Program for Illinois residents. Or, find out what might be available to you by looking up your State's program here!
Where to find this product:
Amazon - Mammoth Grip Carrying Handles
Product Review by Ellie: (meet our team)
How long I've been using this product: A few weeks
How often I use this product: Once a week
My gut feeling: I recommend it for carrying multiple bags
Why did you choose this product? I wanted to find an easier way to carry grocery bags without hurting my arms. I chose this brand because the hooks allow you to put multiple bags onto each side rather than just one bag and it holds a lot more weight than other models.
What are its pros? 1. Nice big grip. 2. Can slide bag handles in each side so you don't have to worry about them falling off. 3. Very sturdy, can lift 100 pounds. 4. Can hold other things besides bags like, clothes on hangers, packs of soda, paint cans. 5. Easy to slip in bag handles.
What are its cons? No cons. I advise someone to put something of similar weight on each side to balance it out.
Might be relevant for individuals with: Decreased grip or hand strength
Video Demonstration:
Ellie demonstrates using the orange Mammoth Grip bag carriers to unload many plastic shopping bags from a car and take them inside.