Note from Day Undefined:
Please shop for mobility aids that are right and safe for you! This is the opinion of the reviewer alone and does not replace health advice from professionals. Please read be sure to read the updates to Sarah's review (below), as several of these poles have broken.
Where to find this product:
We encourage you to search however is right for you! Here is one place we found it:
Montem Website - Ultra Z Folding Trekking Poles
Product Review by Sarah: (meet our team)
I loved these trekking poles when I started to use them. They made Minnesota’s snow and ice-covered sidewalks, scenic lake paths, and the cold winter commute safer and so much more accessible. They helped me to move at a better pace, and avoid falls and loss of balance. They are adjustable, with comfortable, padded grips at the top, and sharper points that can be uncovered at the bottom, for digging into very slippery or steep terrain.
Unfortunately, I fell while walking to an appointment with these poles when one of them hit a deep dent that I had failed to notice in my path. As I got up, that one pole snapped and broke at the end.
*Update: A replacement pair of poles was sent to me from the company upon request, at no cost, and they have been working well.
**Update: June 2023
I had 4 poles, including the replacement pair sent after 1 pole broke when I fell. Another two of the poles have worn down, broken and collapsed, so I only have one left. I still use the single pole all the time, but 3 of 4 poles have broken. I'm trying out a different pair of trekking poles that I hope will be more durable.
Video Demonstration:
Sarah demonstrates the Kahtoola NANOspikes and Montem Ultra Z Folding Trekking Poles on a snowy path in the woods.