Note from Day Undefined:
Looking for additional ways to stay cool in the heat? This towel might help.
Where to find this product:
Mission - Original Cooling Towel
You can also buy this product at Dick's Sporting Goods, where Ellie bought hers.
Product Review by Ellie: (meet our team)
How long I've been using this product: 1+ years
How often I use this product: A couple times a month
My gut feeling: I recommend it for hot weather
Why did you choose this product? It is very nice to use for hot weather when you need a cool down. It stays cold for a couple hours after wetting it and ringing it out.
What are its pros? It stays cool for a long time. You can reuse it. It can fit in backpack for traveling (I recommend putting it in a plastic bag because you have to fold it a certain way to put it in the case). It is easy to activate cooling.
What are its cons? If you're out and want to use it then make sure you have a water bottle to wet the wrap before using it.
Might be relevant for individuals with: Sensitivity to heat
Video Demonstration:
Ellie shows you how she uses her blue Mission cooling towel (already wet) around her neck for instant coolness.