Note from Day Undefined:
It's great to make everyday tasks and hobbies a bit lighter and safer. That's what Karen loves about this mini retractable measuring tape with a pull tab - no risk of cutting a finger when it retracts and easy to keep with you. [Meet our team]
Where to find this product:
Mary Engelbreit Website - Mini Retractable Measuring Tape
Amazon - Mini Retractable Measuring Tape (3-pack)*
*This is a similar, less-expensive version of the measuring tape from Amazon, but it has not been tested by Karen.
Product Review by Karen:
How long I've been using this product: A few weeks
How often I use this product: Will use a couple times a month
My gut feeling: Love that it is lightweight and compact (just 2" in diameter) and is retractable
Why did you choose this product? I find myself always searching for a tape measure when one is needed. The one we keep at home is large and heavy and the tape is metal so there's a risk of cutting a finger or hand as it retracts.
What are its pros? Easy to store and use; lightweight; safer than metal; retracting tape won't cut hands or fingers; cloth in faux leather case, with whimsical design; just 2" in diameter so can be kept in a pocket; high portability; retractable with a light squeeze; winds neatly back in case, so it is not loose.
- What are its cons? Measuring tops out at 5 feet. Some people might prefer a stiff, metal tape for measuring.
Video Demonstration:
Karen tells you why she likes her mini retractable keychain that has a black case with red cherries on it.