Free apps that can make a big difference

Thinking outside the box of products, there are some free apps that I have found that make my life better.

  • BARD - a free app that accesses the National Library Service, a free service that offers braille and audiobooks to blind and print-disabled folks. There are no time restraints or limits to the books you check out, so you can read at your leisure. My disability affects my vision, so I’ve been reading audiobooks this way for years, and could not imagine my life without it! You can apply for this service for free here:
  • Libby (formerly Overdrive) - a free app that uses your public library card to deliver audiobooks and ebooks directly to your device. You can check it out here:  
  • Noonlight - I have thankfully never had to use this, but it is reassuring to have it if I do need it. This is a free app that specializes in safety. You set a PIN that is easy for you to remember. Then a large button appears on your phone; you press the button while you feel safe. When you release it, you have just so long to enter your PIN before someone intervenes, by contacting you by text/phone directly…and then local authorities or emergency services, if there is no response from you. Learn more here: 

1 comment

  • It looks like BARD service is only available to US citizens. It sounds really good, thought.

    Libby is great! I use it all the time.

    I will look into noonlight a bit more. Thanks for your post Joni!

    Lisa H

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